Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB


9.0" 800x480, Android, BoxChip A13 1000 MHz (1-cores.), 8 GB, no 3G

General information (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
The purpose consumer
Main (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Design monoblock
Design (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Housing material plastic
Diagonal screen 9.0"
The screen resolution 800x480
Matrix type screen LCD TN+Film
Operating system Android
The version of the operating system Android 4.0
Processor BoxChip A13
Graphics accelerator ARM Mali-400 MP
RAM 512 MB
Internal memory 8 GB
Support for multiple SIM cards
The number of cores 1
Clocked 1 000 MHz
Mobile communications
Body color black, white
Dust, moisture, shock
Dimensions and weight (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Length 148 mm
Width 238 mm
The thickness of the 11 mm
Weight 510 g
Sensors (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Screen (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
3D screen
Support pen input
The light sensor
Data storage (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Memory card microSD, microSDHC
Camera and sound (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
The built-in camera 1
The number of active pixels front camera 1.3 MP
Built-in microphone
Built-in speakers mono speaker
Navigation (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Electronic compass
Functionality (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
TV tuner
FM tuner
FM transmitter
Interfaces (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Wi-Fi 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n
3G modem
USB 2.0 1
USB 3.0
Audio output (3.5 mm jack) 1
Docking port
Battery (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Battery power 4 000 mAh
Removable battery
Wireless charging
Trim (Impression ImPAD 3113 8GB)
Proximity sensor
Delivery power adapter, USB cable, USB power adapter, documentation
Docking station
Extra battery
Bag or case
Car mount
Pen (stylus pen)
Car adapter
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